Discrete Maths. with Applications-Chapter 4-Note


Something worth taking notes from Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 4th edition, Susanna S. Epp

This is my reading notes of Chapter 4: Elementary Number Theory and Methods of Proof

4.1 Direct Proof and Counterexample I: Introduction

  • prime number/composite number:

    An integer $n$ is prime if, and only if, $n>1$ and for all positive integers $r$ and $s$, if $n = rs$, then either $r$ or $s$ equals $n$

  • proving existential statements

    constructive proofs of existence 构造?

  • disproving universal statements

    counterexample 反例

  • proving universal statements

    the method of exhaustion 穷举法

    Method of Generalizing from the Genetic Particular: a particular but arbitrarily chosen $x$ from the set

    generic: “sharing all the common characteristics of a group or class”

4.2 Direct Proof and Counterexample II: Rational Numbers

4.3 Direct Proof and Counterexample III: Divisibility

  • the notion of divisibility

    $d \mid n$ is read “$d$ divides $n$”. We can also say: $d$ is a factor/divisor of $n$; $n$ is divisible by $d$

  • Theorem 4.3.4: divisibility by a Prime

    Any integer $n>1$ is divisible by a prime number

    Proof omitted here

  • Theorem 4.3.5: The Unique Factorization of Integers Theorem

    also called the fundamental theorem of arithmetic (算术基本定理)

    Given any integers $n>1$ , there exist a positive integer $k$, distinct prime numbers $p_1, p_2, p_3…p_k$, and positive integers $e_1, e_2, e_3…e_k$ such that:

  • Exercise 47/48

    To prove that for any nonnegative integer $n$, if the the sum of the digits of $n$ is divisible by $9$ (or $3$), then $n$ is divisible by $9$ (or $3$)

    A very simple proof:

  • Exercise 49

    To prove that for any nonnegative integer $n$, if the the alternating sum of the digits of $n$ is divisible by $11$, then $n$ is divisible by $11$

    the alternating sum of $19260817$ is $7-1+8-0+6-2+9-1$

    A very simple proof:

    At first we need a lemma:

    • If $n = 10^k +1$ and $k$ is odd, then $11 \mid n$

    • If $n = 10^k-1$ and $k$ is even, then $11 \mid n$

      we can derive this by Mathematical Induction (数学归纳法)

      (I have not come out a strict direct proof other than it. If you have a brilliant idea, hope you can tell me :D)

    Break the proof into two cases: the total number of digits is even or odd

    • Case 1: even

      From our lemma we can deduce the conclusion

    • Case 2: odd

      Similar to Case 1(I told you it’s a very simple proof)

4.4 Direct Proof and Counterexample IV: Division into Cases and the Quotient -Remainder Theorem

  • Theorem 4.4.1 The Quotient -Remainder Theorem

    Given any integer $n$ and positive integer $d$, there exist unique integers $q$ and $r$ such that

  • Parity property (sounds very profound but extremely simple)

    Any integer is either even or odd

  • Example 4.4.7

    The square of any odd integer has the form $8m+1$ for some integer $m$

    The proof in the book is kind of interesting. Each integer is represent in the following forms:

    And it is easy to prove that.

  • Theorem 4.4.6 Triangle Inequality

    For all real numbers $x$ and $y$, $|x+y| \leq |x|+|y|$

  • Exercise 49&50

  • Exercise 51&52


    $m \mod d = a$ and $n \mod d = b$ $\Rightarrow$ $(m+n) \mod d = (a+b) \mod d$

    $m \mod d = a$ and $n \mod d = b$ $\Rightarrow$ $(mn) \mod d = ab \mod d$

4.5 Direct Proof and Counterexample V: Floor and Ceiling

  • Latex: $\left \lceil{x}\right \rceil $ $\left \lfloor{x}\right \rfloor $

  • Theorem 4.5.1

    For all real numbers $x$ and all integers $m$, $\left \lfloor {x+m} \right \rfloor = \left \lfloor {x} \right \rfloor +m$

  • Exercise 23

    To prove that for any real number $x$, if $x$ is not an integer, then $\left \lceil{x}\right \rceil+\left \lfloor{-x}\right \rfloor = -1$


    (1) $x-1<\left \lfloor{x}\right \rfloor \leq x$

    (2) $-x-1 < \left \lfloor{-x}\right \rfloor \leq -x$

    Add (1) (2): $-2 < \left \lceil{x}\right \rceil+\left \lfloor{-x}\right \rfloor \leq 0$

    $x$ is not an integer but $\left \lceil{x}\right \rceil+\left \lfloor{-x}\right \rfloor$ must be an integer

  • Exercise 25

    To prove that for all real numbers, $\left \lfloor {\left \lfloor {x/2} \right \rfloor/2} \right \rfloor = \left \lfloor {x/4} \right \rfloor$


    (1) ${\left \lfloor {x/2} \right \rfloor/2}-1<\left \lfloor {\left \lfloor {x/2} \right \rfloor/2} \right \rfloor \leq {\left \lfloor {x/2} \right \rfloor/2}$

    (2) $\left \lfloor {x/2} \right \rfloor /2 \leq x/4$

    substitude (2) into (1)

4.6 Indirect Argument: Contradiction and Contraposition

  • Proof by contradiction

    suppose the negation of the argument is true, then show that this supposition (猜想) leads to a contradiction

  • Proof by contraposition

    To prove the contrapositive of the statement is true

  • Exercise:

    Prove that any integer greater than $11$ is the sum of two composite number:


    $n$ is even: $n = 2(k-4) + 8, k >= 6$

    $n$ is odd: $n = 2(k-4) +9, k>=6$

4.7 Indirect Argument: Two Classical Theorems

  • The irrationality of $\sqrt{2}$

    make use of another theorem: If the square if the integer is even, then the integer is even

  • The infinity of prime numbers

    Proposition 4.7.3:

    For any integer $a$ and any prime number $p$, if $p \mid a$, then $p \nmid {a+1}$

    thus let $N$ be the product of all prime numbers plus 1

  • Exercise:

    Prove that if $n>2$, there exists a prime number in the range $(n,n!)$


    1. Any integer greater than 1 can be divided by a prime number
    2. For all integers $x \in [2,n]$, $x \mid n!$. We can deduce that all prime numbers $p \in [2,n]$, $p\mid n$
    3. We have the proposition 4.7.3 that if any prime number $q \mid n!$, then $q \nmid n!-1$
    4. Thus either $n!-1$ is prime or there exists a prime larger than $n$
    5. what a beautiful proof

    Extension: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertrand%27s_postulate